The Monday Morning practice for this week is inspired by Lori Chavat’s article of Friday last week about putting a halt to the shoulds. If you missed it, read it here.
This week watch what you are letting creep into your schedule and your life. When someone comes to you with a request your inner taskmaster thinks you “should do” take one simple step: pause.
The purpose of the pause is to consider, is this really something I want to do? Does it make sense to do it considering other priorities and projects on the go?
And as Chavat suggests, ask yourself “If I do this, what am I giving up?”
This week listen to the answer to these questions and choose to say “no” when this makes sense.
You might find as Chavat did that “the world continued to spin and I was not I deemed an unworthy colleague, a partner, or a friend when I chose to say “no”.