It’s the holiday season again and there are many things happening anew that are a-old. Thinking about your year-end chaos and how listening creates impact is something I wrote about a few years back. As we look around us now, so much has changed in our world. And, although time is still ticking at the same pace, our anxiety levels are higher and our self-care is lower. Find a place this week for three minutes of silence. Three minutes of breathing in and breathing out – breathing in something you are grateful for, breathing out something to let go of. I’m breathing in the gratitude for your eyes on this blog and breathing out the fear that weather will impact my holiday travel. How about you?
About the author

Judy Hissong
Professional Athlete. Accredited Executive Coach. Certified Personal Trainer. Decade in legal management. I revel in maximizing human potential – coaching and training leaders to live from the inside out, creating and synergizing teams to balance flow and service, and speaking to audiences of all sizes on the power of our minds, managing stress, and a variety of other topics. Find me @judyhissong, email at, and learn more at
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