Leadership Practices to try Reflection & Mindfulness

Growth mindset practice – how you measure matters

Grit and Growth Mindset Retreat

With Fixed mindset we measure ourselves against others. With growth mindset we are focused on how we are getting better.

To develop your growth mindset try this:

Notice – when do you find yourself comparing yourself to others?

When you catch yourself making this comparison take a moment to pause, and think again.

From a growth mindset consider your own goals, priorities and standards and compare yourself to these. How are you measuring up? What action could you take to improve?

You can get a lot accomplished with a fixed mindset until you hit a wall.

I had fixed mindset about most areas of my life for most of my life and still managed to developed a flourishing professional career but it came at a cost: High levels of stress. A loud inner critic. A striving to be good enough instead of a focus on getting better.

Making the shift to growth mindset has had a significant positive impact on my coaching and my business. I have developed the Grit and Growth Summer Retreat in the City to pass along what I have learned and to help people make this crucial shift from fear to dare. I hope you can join me.

About the author

Allison Wolf

I am the founder of AWAL and one of the most senior coaches for lawyers in North America. I have helped countless clients over the past fifteen years, develop thriving legal practices and before that served as director of marketing for award-winning law firms. My specialty is uncovering the thinking traps and gaps holding clients back and helping them acquire the mindsets, skills, and habits for growing successful and rewarding legal careers. After a career in legal marketing and business development with law firms in Beijing, New York, and Vancouver, I was trained as a coach in 2004 at Royal Roads University and now coach clients from across North America. You can reach me at allison@shiftworks.ca or learn more about my coaching practice from the coaching section of the Attorney With A Life Website.