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The Trauma Informed Lawyer – a conversation with Myrna McCallum

Written by Allison Wolf

This month I had the opportunity to record my conversation with Myrna McCallum about her new podcast The Trauma-Informed Lawyer.

The Trauma-Informed Lawyer podcast – presented in partnership with the Canadian Bar Association – provides an invaluable resource to the legal community.  A gifted teacher, Myrna illuminates a rational, do-no-further harm approach to trauma-informed lawyering with inspiring interviews and thoughtful commentary.

In our conversation, we talk about the meaning behind Myrna’s law firm name “Miyo Pimatisiwin Legal Services,” how the podcast came into being and what it takes to keep it going, as well as diving into a discussion about episode three of the podcast which invites listeners to reflect on presence, triggers, and how to honor the client relationship. This is a must-listen podcast that I cannot recommend enough to all members of the legal community.

The cover art for the podcast is a beautiful image, “Lunar Messenger,” created Eastern Métis Artist, Colleen Gray.

I hope you enjoy listening to my conversation with the inspiring Myrna McCallum:

About the author

Allison Wolf

I am the founder of AWAL and one of the most senior coaches for lawyers in North America. I have helped countless clients over the past fifteen years, develop thriving legal practices and before that served as director of marketing for award-winning law firms. My specialty is uncovering the thinking traps and gaps holding clients back and helping them acquire the mindsets, skills, and habits for growing successful and rewarding legal careers. After a career in legal marketing and business development with law firms in Beijing, New York, and Vancouver, I was trained as a coach in 2004 at Royal Roads University and now coach clients from across North America. You can reach me at or learn more about my coaching practice from the coaching section of the Attorney With A Life Website.

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