Sam is frustrated. Having settled her big trial, she faces a pile of small tasks she is behind on. None of it is particularly challenging, but she spends hours a day surfing the net instead of getting caught up.
Chris is deadline driven. Every day runs like a fire drill of running to meet deadlines. They know they should plan to get projects started sooner but are stuck in the habit of relying on the stress of an impending deadline for motivation.
Does this sound like you? Both Sam and Chris are procrastinators. Procrastination is something most of us do in some aspect of our lives.
Procrastination is avoiding taking action when you know this inaction has potentially harmful implications. Delay is not procrastination if there is no downside. There are many reasons why we procrastinate. My top reason is to avoid the unpleasant but there many other reasons! The good news is that there are many ways to reduce the amount you procrastinate.
Read the full article here to get tips, strategies, and useful resources on how to combat procrastination.
I’ll leave you with this thought:
Procrastination is like weeds in the garden. You can control it but can never entirely eliminate it.
Piers Steel, The Procrastination Equation