One of my earliest memories was going to a dress rehearsal for an opera my father was singing in...
How to be a Good Litigation Partner
This year, my topic for the CLEBC full-day conference was “How to Be a Good Litigation...
Billable Hours Got You Down? Start the New Year with a Refresh
Alex said with a sigh, “January is like Groundhog Day with billable hours reset to zero, and...
Confessions of a vegetable avoider
It’s true. Please don’t think less of me. I struggle with eating enough vegetables. I just can’t...
Latest Stories
TLC Lunch Bites: Building Self-Awareness to Improve Efficiency...
We are excited to publish our second episode of The Lawyer Coach’s Lunch Bites! TLC Lunch Bites are...
Billable Hours Got You Down? Start the New Year with a Refresh
Alex said with a sigh, “January is like Groundhog Day with billable hours reset to zero, and...
TLC Lunch Bites: Shifting from Avoidance to Productive...
We are excited to launch episode one of The Lawyer Coach’s Lunch Bites! TLC Lunch Bites are...
Get in the Driver’s Seat of Your Practice: Part 4 –...
We have all heard people say ‘work smarter, not harder,’ but how do we do this? A great way to work...
Get in the Driver’s Seat of Your Practice: Part 3 –...
Are you an organized person? A client of mine, let’s call him Ben, was feeling anxious when we...
Get in the Driver’s Seat of Your Practice: Part 2 –...
You’ve probably heard a variation of the saying ‘work with your brain, not against it’. Have you...
Get in the Driver’s Seat of Your Practice: Part 1 –...
A client of mine, let’s call him Ken, felt burnt out. He kept taking on files and clients even...
Make a strong start to the fall
Did you start this week with a feeling of tension in your belly or a tightness in your shoulders...
Balance the Scales: Service vs Servitude™
The law is a helping profession. Outsiders might scoff, but all of us in the profession know this...