Remember that old Maxell tape ad? The commercial with a guy sitting in the armchair with his hair blowing back from the intensity of the sound waves? Well that’s pretty much what I look like these days as I move through my weekly schedule. Abundance is great and abundance can be a challenge. For those of you who are in a similar state, here’s a simple practice that will help keep your priorities on track. I call it the weekly meeting with yourself.
Schedule a meeting with yourself.
Go somewhere where you can be undisturbed. If you stay in your office turn of your email and blackberry. Work on your project-list, to-do list, and calendar, and spend time reviewing what you finished in the past week. Treat this meeting with the respect you would give to a client meeting. Put it in your calendar and don’t book over it. This ritual is very effective for being mindful of how you are spending your time.
Here’s a Harvard Business Review blog post with great additional information:
How to Stay Focused on What’s Important by Gina Trapani
Best wishes for a productive September!