Reprinted from February 2016
There is some game changing research coming out of Stanford University that represents good news for all of us working in the legal profession. Namely, that stress doesn’t have to be harmful, and in fact can cause the release of a hormonal cocktail that will help you perform at your best, learn more rapidly, and recover more swiftly.
Learning more about these important insights is easy.
Pick up a copy of Kelly McGonigal’s book The Upside of Stress: Why Stress Is Good for You, and How to Get Good at It.
Watch her Ted video: How to make stress your friend
Read her article on the Ted site: How to be good at stress.
And follow these with this TedX Talk by Psychologist and Professor Alia Crum of Stanford University: Change your mindset, change the game
Changing your mind about stress it turns out is one of the most important and easy things you can do for your overall health and well being. Start today.