As we move deeper into 2009 one thing I know for sure is that many lawyers, law firm staff members and clients are facing deep uncertainty. So many of us feel we have lost control; that larger forces are at work. At this time more then ever it is important to come to grips with what we can influence and impact.
We all have a leadership role to play in our organizations. When we catch ourselves complaining about the system, about how decisions are made and how things are done it is a good time to come to grips with our own responsibility for making a positive contribution.
Some people might say: I’m not the boss; I have no power to change anything. Certainly at times we all feel that way but this is rarely the whole truth. I had the opportunity to interview leadership effectiveness trainer Robert Gilfoyle to ask him for his thoughts on leadership. He opened with the statement: Leadership is an action not a position. Leadership is not about the role we hold in an organization; rather it is about the action we choose to take.
For more of my interview with Robert Gilfoyle please see the full article on