Balance Career Managing Self Monday Morning Practice

Monday Morning Practice – The path to excellence is paved with practice

Written by Allison Wolf

This Monday Morning Practice is inspired by Don Jones two part series last week here on AWAL:  Life’s Music Lesson #2 – Adopt an Attitude of Practice.

An attitude of practice is about being open and aware that life is one big learning experience, and that practice is how we learn and grow. The path to excellence is paved with practice. And excellence itself continuously evolves and expand and deepens.

The path to perfection on the other hand is paved with fear and obsession. With playing it safe. With limiting risks and cutting off opportunities.  Perfection is death. It is a place where no more growth or learning happen, and with no future possibilities to explore.

In part two of the article Jones examines the obstacles he has experienced to adopting an “attitude of practice” and you may recognize some of your own in this list.

The Monday Morning Practice for this week is about self observation.  Watch yourself in action this week. Every day this week take five or so minutes to reflect on the following questions:

  • What inner or outer forces help support this positive attitude of practice for me?
  • What inner or outer forces shut down this positive attitude of practice in me?
  • What action do I wish to take as a result of these reflections?

Do send me an email to let me know what you learn from this exploration.


About the author

Allison Wolf

I am the founder of AWAL and one of the most senior coaches for lawyers in North America. I have helped countless clients over the past fifteen years, develop thriving legal practices and before that served as director of marketing for award-winning law firms. My specialty is uncovering the thinking traps and gaps holding clients back and helping them acquire the mindsets, skills, and habits for growing successful and rewarding legal careers. After a career in legal marketing and business development with law firms in Beijing, New York, and Vancouver, I was trained as a coach in 2004 at Royal Roads University and now coach clients from across North America. You can reach me at or learn more about my coaching practice from the coaching section of the Attorney With A Life Website.

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