Balance Managing Self Wellness

Quick recipe for shifting mental gears

Written by Allison Wolf

This week at Attorney With A Life the focus was on what to do when our friends are troubled or when we are troubled.

Ultimately every day things go sideways.  A partner throws a hissy fit.  A colleague takes credit for your brilliant idea. The legal assistant puts the wrong address on the invitation to a client  and the envelope ends up back on your desk “return to sender”.

Do you roll with it or obsess about it? This makes all the difference.

In keeping with this theme we are ending the week  with a link to a classic blog post by Jeena Cho titled: “What To Do When Everything Sucks“.

Because sometimes it really does seem like everything sucks!  And on this Friday in August, the sun is shining, and there is a park bench out there calling for you to take a moment to rest and let it go.



About the author

Allison Wolf

I am the founder of AWAL and one of the most senior coaches for lawyers in North America. I have helped countless clients over the past fifteen years, develop thriving legal practices and before that served as director of marketing for award-winning law firms. My specialty is uncovering the thinking traps and gaps holding clients back and helping them acquire the mindsets, skills, and habits for growing successful and rewarding legal careers. After a career in legal marketing and business development with law firms in Beijing, New York, and Vancouver, I was trained as a coach in 2004 at Royal Roads University and now coach clients from across North America. You can reach me at or learn more about my coaching practice from the coaching section of the Attorney With A Life Website.

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