
Survey of women lawyers on wellness issues

Written by Allison Wolf

In 2012 Ipsos Reid did a survey for the Legal Profession Assistance Conference, Canadian Bar Association, entitled Survey of Lawyers on Wellness Issues. One section of the survey indicated that 96% of women lawyers who were surveyed felt that stress and/or burnout are the most prevalent health and wellness issues they face. Depression was also listed as a prevalent issue affecting 55% of women lawyers who were surveyed.

Our Attorney With A Life contributors Michelle Heighington and Dr. Joseph Steyr N.D. have used some of this data to create an accredited talk about women lawyers’ mental health, and they are seeking some feedback from women lawyers to help narrow the focus of the presentation so that they can provide women lawyers with the information that would be most valuable. If you could take a few minutes to fill out their anonymous and confidential survey, we would greatly appreciate it.


Thank you very much. And please feel free to share this survey with your friends. Michelle Heighington and Dr. Joseph Steyr N.D. are working at accrediting this talk across Canada, parts of the USA, and the UK. We appreciate receiving as much feedback as possible.


About the author

Allison Wolf

I am the founder of AWAL and one of the most senior coaches for lawyers in North America. I have helped countless clients over the past fifteen years, develop thriving legal practices and before that served as director of marketing for award-winning law firms. My specialty is uncovering the thinking traps and gaps holding clients back and helping them acquire the mindsets, skills, and habits for growing successful and rewarding legal careers. After a career in legal marketing and business development with law firms in Beijing, New York, and Vancouver, I was trained as a coach in 2004 at Royal Roads University and now coach clients from across North America. You can reach me at allison@shiftworks.ca or learn more about my coaching practice from the coaching section of the Attorney With A Life Website.

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